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Testing / AP Testing

10/23/24 PSAT/SAT Testing for 11th Graders:


10/23/24 SAT Testing for 12th Graders:

How do we measure academic performance? Testing! 
How do we determine where to improve? Testing!
How do we know if students are thriving? Testing!
AP exam registration for Mountain View High School will begin at 8:00 am, August 12, 2024 .Please click the link to the left to register.
PSAT or SAT Sign Up for October 23rd
Daniella Quinones • an hour ago • Tuesday, Aug 20 at 9:21 AM • 11th Grade
Dear Grade 11 Students:

MVLA is offering the PSAT/NMSQT or the SAT school based exam at MVHS on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.  Grade 11 students have the option of taking either the PSAT/NMSQT or the SAT.  Please fill out the form below if you want to take the SAT instead of the PSAT/NMSQT no later than 3pm on August 30th. If you are unsure of what exam to take on October 23, please read the information below.  Parents: please note that your student must sign themselves up using their MVLA email account; you cannot sign your student up.

If you are interested in qualifying for National Merit: The PSAT/NMSQT is the qualifying exam for National Merit Scholars. It is only offered on October 23. If you choose to take the SAT you will not be able to take the PSAT/NMSQT and you will not potentially qualify for National Merit.   

If you are interested in only applying to UC Schools: If you’re applying to the UC system, you do not need to take the SAT or ACT, and, if you do take it, it will not be considered in admissions or scholarship decisions by the school. Read the UC admissions requirements and get our tips on how to make your UC application stand out by clicking here.

If you are interested in only applying to CSU Schools:  In March 2022, the CSU Board of Trustees approved the removal of the SAT and ACT standardized tests from undergraduate admissions processes.    This means that SAT and ACT scores will not be used to determine who gets admitted into the CSU system.   If you are only applying to UCs and CSUs, then you no longer need to take the SAT.

Please complete the form below no later than 3pm Friday, August 30th.  After that date, additions will be accommodated ONLY If space is available and WILL NOT be guaranteed.  

To sign up for the SAT, please use this link.  ONLY fill out the form if you would prefer to take the SAT. All other students will automatically be signed up for the PSAT/NMSQT.

MVHS Administratio
Grade 12 SAT Sign Up for Oct 23 @ MVHS
Daniella Quinones • an hour ago • Tuesday, Aug 20 at 9:37 AM • 12th Grade
Dear 12th Grade Students:

We are offering the SAT school based exam for Seniors  at MVHS on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.  Please fill out this form so that important information and logistics regarding testing can be emailed to you. Exam fees will be paid for by the MVLA Foundation at no cost to students.  If you want to OPT OUT of the exam, then please indicate that option on the link below.  If you OPT OUT, you will not report to school and instead you will have an independent study assignment of your choice to complete from home.  Details on that assignment will be sent by Counselors in September via email.  Please note that the form must be completed by students only using their MVLA email addresses.

For students only applying to UC schools: If you’re applying to the UC system, you do not need to take the SAT or ACT, and, if you do take it, it will not be considered in admissions or scholarship decisions by the school. Read the UC admissions requirements  by clicking here.

For students only applying to CSU schools:  In March 2022, the CSU Board of Trustees approved the removal of the SAT and ACT standardized tests from undergraduate admissions processes.    This means that SAT and ACT scores will not be used to determine who gets admitted into the CSU system.   If you are only applying to UCs and CSUs, then you no longer need to take the SAT.

Students: Please complete the form below no later than 3pm Friday, August 30. After that date, additions will be accommodated ONLY If space is available and WILL NOT be guaranteed.  Please note, parents are not able to sign up students via this form. It must be completed by the student using their MVLA email account.

To sign up for the SAT or elect independent study contract, click this link

MVHS Administration