- Parents/Students
Tea Time

Tea Time is a forum for Chinese parents to meet monthly to discuss and to learn more about:
- Mountain View High School's graduation and college entrance requirements;
- How to navigate through the American school system by understanding transcripts, GPA, AP vs Honors, etc.;
- How to support your child as he/she grows up in a multi cultural environment (Chinese & American cultures);
- Gain parenting skills to support your teenager (conflict resolution, improve relationship).
- Create opportunities to forge trust/connections between Chinese parents and students
The Tea Time group chats regularly on the WeChat app to discuss upcoming events and activities. Meetings are usually on weekends to accommodate working parents.
We organize social events such as hikes, Senior Share, and the End of Year Celebration.
For more information, please contact:
MVHS Tea Time Club
Parent Lead: Ariana Menhenett
Staff Contact:
(650) 940-4600 ext 1043