- Student Services
Tutors Needed
MVHS Tutorial Center: Training, Tips, and Expectations
Our volunteers work with us to impact the life-long academic success for each student. MVHS is always in need of volunteer academic tutors in its Tutorial Center to assist students in one or more of the following subject areas: math (pre-Algebra through Calculus), basic science, chemistry, physics, biology, social studies, economics, history, civics, English/ELD and foreign languages. If you have a college degree you have what it takes to help. As a tutor, you will not only introduce and reinforce successful study habits but will also be a positive role model. You can make a real difference!
Volunteer Adult Tutors (see training tips)
We are accepting volunteer tutors to provide the best possible support for our students. We will train you.
Volunteer Peer Tutors
Please join us to develop your leadership, mentorship, or tutoring skills. Peer tutoring is a great opportunity to help your community while receiving some credit or volunteer hours.
Volunteer Adult and Peer Tutors Needed
Recruiting qualified volunteer tutors is an on-going process. We recruit from industry, local colleges, and the greater community (including MVHS grads). MVHS is always in need of volunteer academic tutors in its Tutorial Center to assist students in one or more of the following subject areas: Math (algebra through calculus), science, chemistry, biology, physics, US history, world history, modern European history, psychology, economics, civics, English/ELD, and foreign languages (Spanish).
If you have a college degree you probably have what it takes to be of assistance. In addition, tutors introduce/reinforce successful study habits as well as being positive role models. MVHS parents are especially appreciated. Bilingual is a plus.
Your community needs you:
Join us in our mission to provide professional quality tutoring experiences for MVHS students in need. Whether you are a current student, alumnus, parent, or someone who just wants to give back, there is a place for you to help.
For further information, please contact Nancy Rafati, Coordinator, nancy.rafati@mvla.net, or by following the direct link to VolunteerMatch.org